NEW PUBLICATIONS N-YS008 N. Alexandre & Cie. – Album de Broderie Danubienne 54 Small leporello with cross-stitch patterns in three colors. One alphabet, several border designs, a corner design saying Eggs and another saying Chestnuts, and a dragon motif. Seven pages instead of the usual eight. Some errors in the charts have been corrected. Donated, […]
Tag Archives: advertisement
2023-09-17 New Publications: Corticelli advertisement, Rose Circle Doily, a book of monograms, one charted pattern, and a sheet with seven other patterns
NEW PUBLICATIONS N-LP005 Corticelli Silk Mills – Parody on The House That Jack Built Small advertising booklet, stapled, 8 pages not including covers. Dated 1882. Starting with the Corticelli Silk Mills, each page adds a couple of lines to the previous page, all singing the praises of Florence Silk that was produced by Corticelli. Very […]
2022-02-21 New Publication: Advertisements for washing silks and making french fried desserts
Single sheet with laundry advice from Lux soap and how to French-fry desserts with Crisco cooking fat, from Proctor & Gamble, probably dated 1927, now available in the Antique Pattern Library.