FUNDRAISER Our yearly fundraiser is underway! Our goal is 6000 USD, same as last year, and we’re not starting from zero because some people donate every month. Every little bit is welcome! Our current total is 3832.58 USD, more than halfway! Thank you all for donating! Help us to make it to the next year! […]
Tag Archives: cardigan
2021-05-25 New Publication: Star Variety of Knitted and Crocheted Models
NEW PUBLICATION Go to to see the new publication. L-WK001 Star Book 21 – Star Variety of Knitted and Crocheted Models 32 pages stapled booklet. Knitted and crocheted gifts for her, him, baby, and the home. Bed jacket, bed slippers, cardigan, collar and cuff set, gloves, handbags, house slippers, jabot, crocheted jewelry, knitting bags, shopping bag, […]
2020-05-27 New Publications: Workbasket, Dutch songs, Minerva knitting booklet, Berlin woolwork fruit.
NEW PUBLICATIONS Go to to see these new publications. J-PA106 Minerva Stitches and Styles Vol. 2 48 pages not including covers. Knitted dresses, jackets, blouses, skirts. Children’s clothes, men’s cardigans. From the collection of Iva Rose. Donated by Peggy April, scanned by Tamara Tiekstra, edited by Sytske Wijnsma. J-II007 Heinrich Kuehn 7818 – Autumn […]