NEW PUBLICATION N-YS001 Heinrich Kuehn – Heft 260 Small leporello, 10 pages in brown on one side and blue on the reverse side. In brown, border and corner designs as well as separate motifs in flat stitch and backstitch. In blue, alphabets, some repeating patterns and small motifs that were used in other albums of […]
Tag Archives: star motif
2020-02-15 Heinrich Kuehn – Album 546
NEW PUBLICATIONS Go to to see this new publication. B-YS040 Heinrich Kuehn – Moderne Stickvorlagen No. 546 6 page leporello, large size. One side 2-color designs, reverse side omitted: contains incomplete alphabets of which a complete version is already elsewhere in the catalog. Scans donated and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.