2016-09-14 APL Four new publications uploaded.


September is the month we start our fundraising effort for our continued existence next year. This month I’ve not been able to get the publications out at the beginning of the month, but I’m very happy that some of our regulars did not feel obliged to wait, and we have collected 205 USD already. The goal this year is 6000 USD. Every week I’ll report back on the amount that’s been donated, and I hope we’ll hit the goal before the end of the year. Usually there’s a plea at the end of every post, but I’ve added that to the head of every page on the site as well. That may get the attention of Library visitors who never see one of my posts and therefore may not know that we need income to continue. I’m following lessons on fundraising in general, and when we get super duper big grants, maybe we’ll have it easier. So far, however, every grant application was gracefully received, but did not make it to the stage where actual money was being paid out.

If you want nothing to do with fundraising, just scroll down to the bottom of the page and the regular content is under the banner. If it’s too much or it gets boring, let me know and I’ll make the letters a bit smaller (maybe).

You might notice that the limit for small donations has been upped considerably, to my great joy. It means we can accept more scan donations as well. The cause of this is that the funding for the other projects has increased, and with more income comes a higher limit overall. But just as the donations for the Library are meant for the Library, the donations for the other projects are also earmarked for those projects, so we have to do our own fundraising. We, as Board members, will again match your donations two for one.





The first publication is a beaded tea tray. We’ve had others of this type before and there are still more in the waiting room. This one was offered on ebay by ebay seller banderllon, who gave permission to use his listing images of this item (and many others besides). The background is a bit faded, but I rather like it that way; of course everybody can pick a darker or more expressive color instead of this terra cotta color. I don’t have a particular preference for tea trays, but when they are beaded (and they usually are, to take the heat from the tea pot), the pattern tends to be better preserved and easier to reconstruct. And in view of our backlog, I’m starting to embrace the policy of picking the low hanging fruit first – the more work on the publication, the more others will cut the line in front of it. So that publication of 2000 pages about French applied art, with lovely engravings and the occasional torn and missing page, may be published in ten years 😉 Thank you, banderllon, for your permission. Without you and many more like you, we’d have our backlog done sooner, and we’d have missed lovely items that we cannot afford to buy.




This one is from Jackie Islers collection inherited from her grandmother, Helen Balmat Gorman. It was donated last year, and then I handed off the images to Franciska Ruessink, who did a fabulous job charting a huge lot of them. I could publish twenty of them, but then the embroiderers would be happy and all others a bit shortchanged – but I’ll publish them all before the New Year, let that be my New Year resolution of last year then. Thank you, Jackie, and thank you, Franciska!

The mega-donation of the Museum of New Zealand has not been forgotten, either – half of them are charted already and I hope to add those soon.




We’ve had several donations of stacks of crochet pattern books, so much that I hope I’m not going to mix them up. The aim will be a crochet book and an embroidery pattern each week as minimum. This one was donated by Hillie Dijkstra, who lives in the street behind me (our gardens adjoin) and who was before her pension a teacher of sewing and needlework. When I was working on a dress from the Lord of the Rings (Arwens blue dress, but in the colors as they were on the film poster, maroon and black), she showed me how to do a stay stitch to keep the seam from showing.  Thank you, Hillie, for this contribution, and the others to follow.




This fourth publication has been in the works for a while, because it’s 180 pages or thereabouts. Written by Helen Hough and Franciska Ruessink, this is a treasure chest of Renaissance motifs for embroidery, and shows how and where they were used, copied, repeated, adapted.  One of the places in the Netherlands where they still wear some traditional costume, Marken, that costume has embroidered bands as ties for the headdress and such. Those patterns look a lot like the ones presented here. Lovely! I like monochrome embroidery (may have mentioned that fifty times before) and this is just my cup of tea.

This book is the first volume of  what I hope will be many more. If you were planning on buying reprints of Siebmacher, Furst, Vinciolo, wait and look at this first. There’ll be more (I know of a second one) and it’s very inviting. One word of warning though: the copyright is more restrictive than we usually have: NO DERIVATIVE WORKS ALLOWED. Usually if you mention where you got the pattern from, that’s ok, but not for this one. However, please feel free to embroider a lovely sampler from the examples given here!

Thank you, Helen, and Franciska, for making it available to us!




Click to support the Antique Pattern Library project to pay for such things as database and website development, web hosting costs, data entry, scanning equipment.

Scan donations count! They save us room (for the books) money (for the shipping price and customs duties and believe me, those can bite), and time for scanning. Of course, money is always welcome. And scans are equally welcome. In the meantime, you can also support us via Amazon Smile.

The limit of small donations is 1500 USD. It may increase if we get more small donations. That’s the limit to what you can donate per year and still have it count towards the small donations. It’s recalculated every year. If you donate more, the IRS puts your donations on the other side of the public funding ratio. So, if you were planning to donate just above the limit, give some to another organization, buy a cup of coffee and donate just the limit amount. 😉

Also, we are looking for people who can afford a one-time larger donation to support our goals for 2017, which will cost us some money.

It will help speed up our publication ratio, by hiring people to help with the administrative task of handling the donations, and with editing. I’ve given up hope that I can do it all on my own, I’m taking more work as Board member, and while I love editing things to perfection, it just is not possible anymore to do it alone.

If you can’t afford to give anything, which also happens in these difficult times, introducing the Library to people who don’t know of it yet, is very useful, since it broadens our user base and therefore our donor base.

Anything you donate for the Library, goes to the Library. The donations of the larger donors are far more than enough to cover our overhead, so what you give, goes straight to Library improvement.

The publications are free to download and to share, not to sell. Also the screendumps and later the text pages are published under the creative-commons licence – enjoy, but don’t sell. If ever you see a PDF for sale, especially with the Library creative-commons copyright notice or something that looks like it, we’d be glad to hear. Most we’ve heard of so far are legitimate sellers of their own copies, but every now and then there’s one that isn’t. In such a case, please email us privately with your concerns and give as much detail as possible. We don’t want peoples’ names aired about before we’ve had a chance to look the matter over, in order to protect the truly innocent.

Thanks to all the donors and volunteers, for all the help and new or improved material you provided. And an extra thanks to Sylvaine, for being my extended arm in France 😉

Enjoy this new set.

Best wishes all,


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