2018-08-13 Sixteen new publications – Monograms, butterflies, a pincushion, table looms, tapestry and a Workbasket!


Go to http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org to see the new publications.



Grunthals Butterflies 5544, Grunthals Verlag Berlin

Antique Victorian Purple Needlepoint Stitched Glass Beaded Pillow Pin Cushion

Two chart-only embroideries. Butterflies are always welcome decorations, and the very simple pincushion embroidery or beading pattern should make a nice project for beginners.


Hooper, Luther – Table Loom Weaving – Weaving with Small Appliances. London, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd. 1925

One out of three books on weaving with small appliances. Luther Hooper wrote various books on weaving, these were about card-weaving and weaving boards, and table looms. I do know the other two are somewhere in the stacks, but I haven’t found them yet, otherwise I might have held up publishing this one until the others were done too. As is, you’ll get to enjoy it earlier!


Orr, Anne – Center Pieces and Luncheon Sets, Book No. 12, Nashville, Tennessee, Anne Orr

A lovely donated crochet book of Anne Orr, with various edgings for doilies and placemats. I hope the crocheters find something they like!

The Workbasket Vol. 2 No. 6 – The Workbasket Magazine

A Workbasket. Ah, those Workbaskets. For weeks at a time we’re scanning nothing but Workbaskets, checking, editing, re-scanning, searching through boxes to see if we are missing an issue or if it’s just out of sequence. The main page for Workbaskets will now show all the issues we have, or have been promised, or that are still in the mail. The ones that are marked Promised did arrive already, but we haven’t scanned all front pages yet. The good news is that we will really have nearly all issues, except a few missing in the early years which I will ask everybody to be on the lookout for, and let me know if any are for sale on etsy or ebay. The last two years are missing still as well, but I imagine those will be offered for sale one of these days. And we have a spreadsheet of potential donors, who offered to scan their workbaskets, where we may find all of the last two years.

I planned on editing at least three Workbaskets, but managed to finish only one. The other two are near-complete, and will be in the next round.


Tapestry patterns and a slipper

And here six patterns from the collection of Marleen van Horssen. I work my way down the list and try to finish the unpublished items from the earlier years. Marleens patterns are such a large lot that I do them bit by bit, otherwise our users would get cross-eyed from all the embroidery patterns. I try to include something for everybody 😉



J. Sonrel, Paris. Alphabets, Monogrammes, Initiales, Lettres Modernes, Jolies Lettres.

Another set that’s been on the stack for many years now. The illustrations on the cover are from different years, the oldest are those on Monogrammes and Initiales, then Lettres Modernes, and the most recent are the Jolies Lettres and Alphabets. We have quite a number of duplicates of these, so I could pick which covers I would want to include.  All embroiderers who get sick of cross-stitch patterns and more cross-stitch patterns should be able to find some lovely initials here.



In September we will start a new fundraising effort, as usual at the year’s end. I am totally unable to deal with all the Workbaskets myself, and have to farm the work out. Fortunately, in our village there are volunteers helping with scanning, which of course has to be done locally, because the magazines are here. But it’s not enough. We will have to hire editing help, if we want to publish them at a decent speed.

I pay from my own purse whatever we need, while I can afford it. But I can’t keep this project afloat with only that. Fortunately our administrative help such as bookkeepers, accountants, and lawyers for the charity registrations are paid for this year and next, by the help and large donations of several donors. But if we want to keep everything free and accessible, we need your help.

Donate now to support the Antique Pattern Library project to pay for such things as database and website development, web hosting costs, data entry, scanning equipment, and help us meet the public funding ratio, which allows us to keep our nonprofit status, making your donations tax-deductible, depending on where you live and on the local tax laws and tax treaties.

Scan donations count too! They save us room (for the books) money (for the shipping price and customs duties), and time (for scanning).

And if you are an Amazon customer, you can also support us via Amazon Smile. If you click on the Amazon link before you start shopping, Amazon will set aside a little bit from their profit on what you spend and give that to us.

Donate via Paypal:


The limit of small donations is yet to be determined, we will start at USD 500. It increases if we get more small donations. That’s the limit to what you can donate per year and still have it count towards the small donations. It’s recalculated every year. If you donate more, the IRS puts your donations on the other side of the public funding ratio. So, if you were planning to donate just above the limit, give some to another organization, buy a cup of coffee and donate just the limit amount.

On the other hand, we are looking for people who can afford a one-time larger donation to support our goals for the coming year, which will cost us some money.It will help speed up our publication rate, and make more time available for the actual library work, which is sadly suffering, because we as Board members have to spend more time than we like on bookkeeping and IRS compliance and stuff like that. Necessary, but it cuts into the time we have for the Library. Your donations will help us hire help for the elementary tasks and for editing.

If you can’t afford to give anything, which also happens in these difficult times, introducing the Library to people who don’t know of it yet, is very useful, since it broadens our user base and therefore also our donor base.

Anything you donate for the Library, goes to the Library. If you don’t mind it going to cover our overhead, mark your donation to NMA General. To give you an idea of what your donation would do: USD 10 pays for our hosting costs for a month (at the moment) or an hour of administrative assistance. USD 50 allows us to take one of our RESERVE publications and release it for publication. USD 100 pays for 1TB backup for the scans and edited files. (Currently we have 5 TB data.) Larger donations in the past have paid for fast A3 scanners, website help, and hours of editing, as well as a start with putting our Library records online in a way that they will show up in professional library searches.

Thank you all, and enjoy the new and old treasures!


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