2021-01-05 New Publications: Make and Mend for Victory, review of Button Gardens, and a fruitful garland

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Go to https://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org to see the new publications.


L-OS001 Spool Cotton Company – Make and Mend for Victory
Softcover stapled. 52 pages including covers. 1942, intended to help the war effort by saving on textile use. Sewing, mending, darning clothing in use, altering and restyling, millinery, scaled patterns showing layouts for dickeys, collars, and hats, trimming and accentuate, ripping old clothes apart by the seams and using the pieces for new jackets, skirts, and childrens clothes.
Book donated by Orna Smith, scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.

L-HW001 Florence Casebolt – Button Gardens and Diminutive Arrangements – REVIEW
1952, and probably still in copyright. There’s an earlier version of around 1945.
Review by Hope Wright.

K-II010 Heinrich Kuehn 7836 – Plums and Cherries Garland
Handpainted Berlin woolwork pattern on greyblue cardboard. A garland with plums and cherries instead of the more usual flowers.
Scan donated by Iva Innocenti, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.

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