2023-07-26 New Publications: A sock, a sampler, and a small embroidery pattern

M-YS005 Just A Sock Knitting and darning sampler
Five views of a small cotton sock. The sock was knitted and then darned and over-embroidered with various stitches. No sign of wear.
Scanned and edited by Sytske Wijnsma. Sock transferred to Textile Research Center 2022.

M-TH009 Calla Lily
Small printed pattern of a single calla lily with three leaves, on a reddish background.
Image donated by an ebay seller who would prefer to be anonymous, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.

F-EL001 Luise Hruschka’s Band Sampler
Long narrow band sampler with 22 pieces of Berlin woolwork embroidery, some with beading. Also two pieces of plushwork. All samples are separated by narrow bands in black embroidery. Dated 1878. Very like Emma Werla’s Musterband, but smaller scale.
Photographed by Enzo Lima, edited by Sytske Wijnsma. Sampler transferred to Grassi Museum in Leipzig, 2017.


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