NEW PUBLICATIONS Go to to see the new publications. F-TC012 5730 Jesus – Heinrich Kuehn, Berlin Religious subject; Jesus in his traditional red clothes with a blue mantle, but without halo. Part of a series of embroideries of saints. Image donated by ebay seller tinaldw. I had hoped to have this finished before Easter, […]
Author Archive: Sytske Wijnsma
2018-05-15: Thirtyfour new publications: weaving, embroidery, Workbaskets!
NEW PUBLICATIONS Go to to see the new publications. Usually I insert links to detail pages and pdfs for each new publication. Because of the large amount of individual publications, this time I refer you to the home page, where they are all listed. I-WM001 Prof. Franz Donat, Technologie, Bindungslehre, Dekomposition und Kalkulation der […]
2018-04-25 Eight new publications: letter design, lots of tapestry, openwork, and stained glass. And a Workbasket!
NEW PUBLICATIONS Go to to see the new publications. D-YS149 Zwirnerei Goeggingen Frivolitaten-Arbeiten 19 LINK TO PAGE LINK TO PDF Advertising material; tatting pattern for insertion. This leaflet has been transferred to the Grassi Museum in Leipzig, and will probably be part of an exhibition about embroidery and fashion in 2019. Marja […]
2017-12-30 Seven new publications:
Although the publications have been put on the site before the New Year, the writing of the blog post has been delayed a little – my apologies. FUNDRAISING Our fundraising brought in 4.836 USD in 2017. Thank you, thank you! That’s really close to our goal! Oopsie, I forgot to take down the green banner! […]
2017-11-25 Four new publications: The Workbasket, a tapestry pattern, framing pictures, and a special pattern!
FUNDRAISING Our current fundraising brought in 4.115 USD so far this year. Thank you, thank you! Still 885 USD to go! The maximum small donation is 1000 USD. That is what you can give over the entire year 2017 and still have it count as small donation. Go over that and you’ll join the board […]
2017-10-20 Eight new publications. Workbasket, Filet Ancien, Royal Society crochet, Berlin woolwork, dolls clothes – something for everybody!
FUNDRAISING Our current fundraising brought in 3.687 USD this year. Thank you, thank you! The maximum small donation is 1000 USD. That is what you can give over the entire year 2017 and still have it count as small donation. Go over that and you’ll join the board members and other large donors. The Workbaskets […]
2017-10-09 Five new publications in the Antique Pattern Library. Crochet, Edwardian ladies garments, embroidery
FUNDRAISING Thanks to all the people who donated, some in huge stunning globs, some in drip-drip-drip small and faithful amounts, we have a starting position of 2.167 USD raised in funds this year. Thanks to those donations and many others, I can raise the maximum small donation to 1000 USD. That is what you can […]
2017-09-13 Embroidery patterns, crochet, our first Workbasket, lots of tapestry designs, Filet Ancien, and a stunning Berlin woolwork sampler. Fifty-four new publications in the Antique Pattern Library!
NEW FUNDRAISING EFFORT STARTING SOON Our yearly fundraiser will start next week. I just couldn’t wait another week with publications! The Workbasket project will be the focus this year. As you all may know we have permission from F+W Media to republish the Workbasket magazine and I’d like to do that faster than our usual […]
2017-08-07 Stained glass, doll clothes patterns, filet, weaving drafts, lots of cross stitch. Nine new publications in the Antique Pattern Library!
NEW PUBLICATIONS on H-EU002 Zwei Muster nach alten Gebetteppichen LINK TO DETAIL PAGE LINK TO PDF This is a pattern for two prayer rugs. The pattern shows the top half of each rug and the bottom end is left to the imagination of whoever uses it. Personally I’d use the same border and leave the […]
2017-07-05 Lots of small Berlin woolwork patterns, crocheted bedjackets and slippers, traditional costumes, doll patterns, and various old and new charted designs
This time, I’m not going to talk about each publication separately. That’s because there are quite a number of them, and writing the blog post takes time. Instead, I’ll try to group them more or less by donor. NEW PUBLICATIONS on D-YS112 P.G. Lom – Klederdragten en Typen van Bewoners van Nederland. LINK TO […]