WELCOME This week we welcome 38 new members – 39 at the last count! Many found their way here from a newsletter from the Nordic Needle, and some also by an independent search for patterns (I asked). Such a large increase is very unusual. I’d say unprecedented, but when Mary Corbet was so kind to refer […]
Category Archives: New Publications
Non-commercial use only!
The downloads are free to download and to share, not to sell. Also the screendumps and later the text pages are published under the creative-commons licence – enjoy, but don’t sell. If ever you see a PDF for sale, especially with the Library creative-commons copyright notice or something that looks like it, we’d be glad to hear. Most we’ve heard of so far are legitimate sellers of their own copies, but every now and then there’s one that isn’t. In such a case, please email us privately with your concerns and give as much detail as possible. We don’t want peoples’ names aired about before we’ve had a chance to look the matter over, in order to protect the truly innocent.
2016-07-04 Three new publications uploaded – all embroidery
NEW PUBLICATIONS http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/A-MH143.htm Finally I got back to Marleen Van Horssens legacy: around 250 embroidery patterns and supplements from French needlework magazines from the 19th and early 20th Century. And I discovered a whole box of stuff I have not even cataloged yet – not even photographed yet. (Our backlog has a backlog of […]
2016-06-18 Three new publications uploaded
NEW PUBLICATIONS http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/F-II007.htm This book is al about Casal Guidi embroidery, a 3D embroidery that makes me think of a crossover between embroidery and needle lace. Fabulous work, really shows off your skills. There aren’t many resources for this technique; there have been one or two newer books published, but so recently that […]
2016-06-02 Three new publications uploaded
NEW PUBLICATIONS http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/G-TP010.htm Another item from the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, a garland of roses in many colors. When charting this one, I discovered that PC Stitch can set the original image as background, and project the charted pattern over it. That speeds up charting a good deal. Of course, the resolution is […]
2016-05-25 APL Three new publications uploaded
CURRENT STATE OF TECHNOLOGY The wifi connection strength is so-so, and I’m happy that I uploaded most of the image files before going on holiday. Actually, last week was mostly getting my laptop to work with the programs that run on my home computer – and then having to install Java 8 – and then […]
2016-05-18 APL Three new publications uploaded
THREE NEW PUBLICATIONS http://www.antiquepatternlibrary.org/html/warm/D-YS044.htm This is one of a set of pattern supplements of a French publication, La Mode Pratique. Actually, it hasn’t even been scanned yet, I edited the preliminary photographs, because I could not find the scans, nor the original paper. I’d add a photograph of my storage room, but then […]
2016-05-12 APL Three new publications uploaded
THREE NEW PUBLICATIONS F-PT009 Beautiful-Antique Art Deco Part Worked Beaded Panel Bag A donation from our well-known ebay image donor Penelope Textiles, this is a beautiful bag, but, as they say, under construction. The bag is half done. Because of that, we get a peek at how the canvas was prepared by marking […]
2016 APL 2016-05-04 Seven New Publications and More
2016 APL 2016-05-04 by S. Wijnsma Seven new publications (and some not entirely new, but not yet mentioned)PUBLICATIONS on our news page We’ve had the great good luck of getting permission of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, to chart and publish all their embroidery patterns. And also some of their embroideries, though […]
2016 APL 2016-02-11 Two new publications.
PUBLICATIONS Adding the third would have meant a delay of some days, and I want to keep to a regular schedule. If we can publish something each week, it works better than publishing a lot once every two months. Judith told me after editing this weeks first publication that there were so many letters, that […]
2016 APL 2016-02-03 Three new publications
NEWSWell, we made it into the New Year. And we made the public funding ratio limit too, thanks to many small donations, and some big ones, and a lot of ebay, etsy, and marktplaats sellers and also forum members who were willing to share images, photos and scans of their treasures. Thank you all!From the […]