2015 APL: Eight new publications on 2015-04-07

Another eight publications this weekAnd drat, I forgot the rice paper flowers! That’s for next time. Judith pointed out to me that my administrative backlog is worse than the publication backlog, so next time will have less publications than this one – but they will all get done (eventually). First, a bit of a riddle […]

2015 APL: Eight new publications on 2015-03-30

The first is one of Marleens patterns, charted and since it’s a quarter pattern, with an extra illustration to show the complete pattern. Second, another of Flora Klickmanns books, “Pillow lace and handworked trimmings”. There’s three sections, Pillow lace, Needlepoint laces and handmade collars, Embroideries and trimmings, so it’s best qualified as a various-techniques book.