Our yearly fundraiser is underway! Our goal is 6000 USD, same as last year, and we’re not starting from zero because some people donate every month. Every little bit is welcome! Our current total is 3827.58 USD, picking really up some speed! Thank you all for donating! Help us to make it to the next year!
M a x i m u m d o n a t i o n i s 1 0 0 0 U S D.
More than that and your donation falls in a different category, please contact us first if you plan to donate more.
Donate to support the Antique Pattern Library project to pay for such things as database and website development, web hosting costs, data entry, scanning equipment, and help us meet the public funding ratio, which allows us to keep our nonprofit status, making your donations tax-deductible, depending on where you live and on the local tax laws and tax treaties.
If you can’t afford to give anything, which also happens in these difficult times, introducing the Library to people who don’t know of it yet, is very useful, since it broadens our user base and therefore also our donor base.
Also, when shopping on Amazon, you can set New Media Arts as your preferred charity for Amazon Smile. They give us some money for every sale via that channel.
F-IS113 Alphabete fur Stickerei N0 18,I
Stapled softcover oblong booklet, 8 pages not including the covers. Four sets of alphabets, three of them with a smaller version included. and two with additionally a lower-case alphabet as well. One of the lower-case alphabets contains two versions of the letter s.
Scans donated by Jackie Isler, from the collection of her grandmother Helen Balmat Gorman.
F-CO004 Sampler by Mary Ann Fleet, circa 1820
Fragment of a text sampler. It originally had a border around three sides that has been removed. What remains are three stanzas from a song exhorting young ladies not to rely on their good looks. The song is number 118 shown in a book from 1785, The Humming Bird, available in,
The sampler text uses an f instead of the long s. The printed text shows the letters are very slightly different.
Images donated by ebay seller cockleheart, edited by Sytske Wijnsma