GUEST POST: THE ANTIQUE PATTERN LIBRARY PROJECT HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO METAVERSE LIBRARIES Metaverse Libraries is situated in Canada and registered as a non-profit there. Registration as a charity is in progress. Since the Metaverse Libraries site is not yet fully installed, New Media Arts Inc., has graciously allowed us to publish the Antique Pattern […]
Tag Archives: alphabet
2024-03-15 New Publications: Lovely tatting designs, slippers, crochet accessories, and embroidery patterns. And also a Workbasket
GUEST POST: THE ANTIQUE PATTERN LIBRARY PROJECT HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO METAVERSE LIBRARIES Metaverse Libraries is situated in Canada and registered as a non-profit there. Registration as a charity is in progress. Since the Metaverse Libraries site is not yet fully installed, New Media Arts Inc., has graciously allowed us to publish the Antique Pattern […]
2024-03-01 New Publications: Crochet chair sets, embroidery, rug making, and a Workbasket
GUEST POST: THE ANTIQUE PATTERN LIBRARY PROJECT HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO METAVERSE LIBRARIES Metaverse Libraries is situated in Canada and registered as a non-profit there. Registration as a charity is in progress. Since the Metaverse Libraries site is not yet fully installed, New Media Arts Inc., has graciously allowed us to publish the Antique Pattern […]
2024-01-12 New Publications: Workbasket, embroidery patterns, baby booties
NEW PUBLICATIONS O-KG001 The Knit Guru – Simple Baby Booties knitting pattern A specific simple baby booties pattern from at least 60 years ago was found by the APL forum members. The pattern is too nice to be forgotten. External link only to the knitguru site where the pattern is currently published. Thanks to the […]
2023-12-22 New Publications: Four cross-stitch patterns, one valance, three samplers, a beadwork booklet, a slipper toe and heel and a tapisserie chair seat
NEW PUBLICATIONS F-IS024 Heinrich Kuehn – Salmon flower border Single sheet, handpainted pattern from what was probably a leporello. Publisher likely either Heinrich Kuehn or their successor Vereinigte Stickmuster Verlag. The design is a wide border with green leaves and salmon pink colored flowers. Scans donated by Jackie Isler, from the collection of her grandmother […]
2023-10-15 Eighteen new publications
NEW PUBLICATIONS N-YS008 N. Alexandre & Cie. – Album de Broderie Danubienne 54 Small leporello with cross-stitch patterns in three colors. One alphabet, several border designs, a corner design saying Eggs and another saying Chestnuts, and a dragon motif. Seven pages instead of the usual eight. Some errors in the charts have been corrected. Donated, […]
2023-09-17 New Publications: Corticelli advertisement, Rose Circle Doily, a book of monograms, one charted pattern, and a sheet with seven other patterns
NEW PUBLICATIONS N-LP005 Corticelli Silk Mills – Parody on The House That Jack Built Small advertising booklet, stapled, 8 pages not including covers. Dated 1882. Starting with the Corticelli Silk Mills, each page adds a couple of lines to the previous page, all singing the praises of Florence Silk that was produced by Corticelli. Very […]
2023-09-07 New Publications: Twelve squares in Broderie Anglaise, an alphabet in Punto Pisano, and a red slipper top
NEW PUBLICATIONS M-WS002 Album de 12 Carrés Broderie Anglaise Small square stapled softcover booklet, 24 pages not including the covers. Contains 6 photos of Broderie Anglaise work, then 12 iron-on patterns, then 6 more photos. Patterns are 15×15 cm, making them suitable for chessboard-patterned items with half embroidered squares, half filet squares. Scans donated by […]
2023-08-31 New Publications: Filet crochet pattern, a small Berlin woolwork pattern and a full whitework alphabet
NEW PUBLICATIONS N-YS007 Hertz & Wegener – XII Filet crochet corner Single sheet, printed in blue. A corner with paisley figures, and two different square designs filling in the opposite corner in a chessbord placement. Both could be used separately. From the print it’s clear that this is for filet crochet, but the chart can […]
2023-08-26 New Publications: IHS motif, Dutch needlework sampler, and a crochet/knitting book from the 1920s
NEW PUBLICATIONS G-CW012 IHS motif in cross-stitch A simple IHS motif, taken from an old chalice veil. Image donated by ebay seller cotswoldcats, charted by Sytske Wijnsma. G-AS004 Dutch needlework sampler A needlework sampler also known as “pronklap” to showcase the makers sewing and embroidering abilities. Usually these were made during sewing lessons that were […]