FUNDRAISING NOW! – Goal: 6000 USD – So far 4692.27 –
Donate now to support the Antique Pattern Library project to pay for such things as database and website development, web hosting costs, data entry, scanning equipment, and help us meet the public funding ratio, which allows us to keep our nonprofit status, making your donations tax-deductible, depending on where you live and on the local tax laws and tax treaties.
Scan donations count too! They save us room (for the books) money (for the shipping price and customs duties), and time (for scanning).
And if you are an Amazon customer, you can also support us via Amazon Smile. If you click on the Amazon link before you start shopping, Amazon will set aside a little bit from their profit on what you spend and give that to us.
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The limit of small donations is yet to be determined, we will start at USD 1000. It increases if we get more small donations. That’s the limit to what you can donate per year and still have it count towards the small donations. It’s recalculated every year. If you donate more, the IRS puts your donations on the other side of the public funding ratio. So, if you were planning to donate just above the limit, give some to another organization, buy a cup of coffee and donate just the limit amount.
On the other hand, we are looking for people who can afford a one-time larger donation to support our goals for the coming year, which will cost us some money.It will help speed up our publication rate, and make more time available for the actual library work, which is sadly suffering, because we as Board members have to spend more time than we like on bookkeeping and IRS compliance and stuff like that. Necessary, but it cuts into the time we have for the Library. Your donations will help us hire help for the elementary tasks and for editing.
If you can’t afford to give anything, which also happens in these difficult times, introducing the Library to people who don’t know of it yet, is very useful, since it broadens our user base and therefore also our donor base.
Anything you donate for the Library, goes to the Library. If you don’t mind it going to cover our overhead, mark your donation to NMA General. To give you an idea of what your donation would do: USD 10 pays for our hosting costs for a month (at the moment) or an hour of administrative assistance. USD 50 allows us to take one of our RESERVE publications and release it for publication. USD 100 pays for 1TB backup for the scans and edited files. (Currently we have 5 TB data.) Larger donations in the past have paid for fast A3 scanners, website help, and hours of editing, as well as a start with putting our Library records online in a way that they will show up in professional library searches.
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J-TL010 Th. Wilh Meister – Flower motif – 9270
Handpainted flower pattern on blue-gray cardboard. Motif size 120×60. White and pink rose, blue and orange flowers.
From the collection of the Textile Research Center in Leyden (acquisition number TRC 2018.1564), published with their permission. Charted by Sytske Wijnsma.
J-OS007 Eudal-Vorlage Taschentuch Spitzen
Single sheet, illustration on front side and description on reverse. Probably from a larger publication. Six handkerchief edgings, numbered from 226, 243, 242, 158, 244, 245.
From the collection of Orna Smith, scanned and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
J-ME001 Mary Fitch – Latest Yokes, Collars and Cuff Sets
24 pages including covers. As the title says, yokes, collars and cuff sets in filet crochet and tatting, intended for nightdresses and lingerie.
Scans donated and edited by Martha Ess.
H-VY001 Regency shelf trim
Regency shelf trim, in blue, cream, gold and black. Individual elements have a triangular tip. Pattern can be extended indefinitely.
Image donated by ebay seller vanye90, charted by Sytske Wijnsma.
H-TR001 Prayer Chair Cover
Wool embroidery on canvas, intended for a prayer chair but never used. Colors still bright.
Images donated by ebay seller trudi43, not charted yet.
H-MS015 Ladies Slippers and original pattern
A pair of embroidered ladies slippers, and the Berlin woolwork pattern after which they were embroidered. The pattern includes two flower corners, a belt or edging matching the slippers, and two floral motifs, roses and pansies.
Images donated by ebay seller munson8927, not charted yet.
I-FW004 Dickens – Edwin Drood and Other Stories
I-FW005 Dickens – Bleak House
I-FW007 Dickens – Nicholas Nickleby
I-FW010 John Forster – Life of Charles Dickens
Illustrations from the Household Edition, excellent for theater and costume research.
Scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Judith Adele
E-CO004 1876 Jessie Carswell sampler
Small sampler with upper- and lowercase alphabet, name and date. Symmetrical design, potted flowers, trees, fruits, birds in trees, small animals.
Images donated by ebay seller cockleheart, edited by Sytske Wijnsma, not charted yet.
C-YS317 Vlieger’s Lei-teekenvoorbeelden 8
Small booklet, 16 pages of examples to draw on a blackboard. Volume 8, pictures of birds and animals.
The drawings were white on black; for the sake of clarity the colors have been reversed.
From the collection of Sytske Wijnsma, scans donated by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.