2024-01-26 New Publications: The Kitten’s Garden of Verses, a miser purse, lessons in knotting for toddlers, and two embroidery patterns

NEW PUBLICATIONS I-WM007 Oliver Herford – The Kitten’s Garden of Verses Small hardcover bound book, containing childrens verses altered to apply to kittens. Dedicated to the authors Persian cat who was the model for the charming drawings accompanying the verses. Scans donated by Tamara Wijnsma, edited by Sytske Wijnsma. E-WM031 Petersons Magazine – Miser Purse […]

2023-08-16 New Publications: Grape Panholders, a prayer chair seat pattern, and Star Book 100 Edgings

NEW PUBLICATIONS M-AW004 Corn and Grape Panholders Singe sheet, one side printed, unknown publisher. Pattern for crocheted panholders, one in the shape of a bunch of grapes, the other in the shape of a corn cob. Scan donated and edited by Alex Welch. L-PC006 Journal des Jeunes Personnes – Prayer chair seat with cross and […]

2023-04-22 New Publication: Journal des Jeunes Personnes – Prayer chair top Jesus IHS

NEW PUBLICATION L-PC005 Journal des Jeunes Personnes – Prayer chair top Jesus IHS Single sheet, litho, dated 1er Septembre 1865. Chair top in kidney shape, central text Jesus in a crown of thorns, flanked with IHS in cartouches and surrounded with a blue/black border. Image donated by ebay seller planete-collections, edited and charted by Sytske […]

2022-03-06 New Publication: Journal des Jeunes Personnes – Prayer chair seat with initials MA and crosses

NEW PUBLICATION L-PC004 Journal des Jeunes Personnes – Prayer chair seat with initials MA and crosses Single sheet, litho. Fiddleback shaped chair seat, central motif initials MA surrounded by four crosses, brown floral border. Two cut out squares to accommodate the chair legs. Image donated by ebay seller planete-collections, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma […]

2019-12-09 A Mary Fitch book, crocheted edgings, Berlin Woolwork, and Dickens books.

FUNDRAISING NOW! โ€“ Goal: 6000 USD โ€“ So far 4692.27 โ€“ Donate now to support the Antique Pattern Library project to pay for such things as database and website development, web hosting costs, data entry, scanning equipment, and help us meet the public funding ratio, which allows us to keep our nonprofit status, making your […]