I-WM007 Oliver Herford – The Kitten’s Garden of Verses
Small hardcover bound book, containing childrens verses altered to apply to kittens. Dedicated to the authors Persian cat who was the model for the charming drawings accompanying the verses.
Scans donated by Tamara Wijnsma, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
E-WM031 Petersons Magazine – Miser Purse
Single printed sheet, showing an embroidered or beaded miser purse in red, black, yellow and blue, with two beaded fringes and two rings closing off the opening in the middle.
Scan donated by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.
E-WM029 Louisa Walker – Varied Occupations in String Work
Small hardcover bound book, containing instructions on how to teach little children knotting and macrame. Three sections, building up from simple knots to complex objects made by knotting thread, fringes, and hairpin lace.
Scans donated by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
A-MH033 Journal des Demoiselles – Prayer Chair Back with X-cross and roses
Single sheet, supplement to the Journal des Demoiselles. No date given. Printed rectangular pattern with an X-cross with roses at each end, in an oval on a red background. Shape strongly suggest a prayer chair back.
From the collection of Marleen van Horssen, edited by Sytske Wijnsma, not charted yet.
A-MH022 Journal des Demoiselles – Rose Bouquet
Single sheet, supplement of the Journal des Demoiselles magazine. Printed pattern of two large roses, rosebuds and four other flowers, white and orange. No date given.
From the collection of Marleen van Horssen, edited byt Sytske Wijnsma. Not charted yet.
We are currently not actively soliciting donations, since New Media Arts is transitioning to foundation status.
If you would like to help us, introducing the Library to people who don’t know of it yet, is very useful, since it broadens our user base and therefore also our future donor base. Blogs, tiktok, instagram, pinterest, ravelry, facebook, other social media – show others your favorite publications and what you made using them. Our work is only useful when people actually use it!